Welcome to the sfctools documentation page!

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sfctools is an ABM-SFC modeling suite for agent-based macroeconomic, stock-flow consistent (ABM-SFC) modeling. Unlike more generic frameworks like mesa or AgentPy, it concentrates on agents in economics. It further is a toolbox which helps you to construct agents, helps you to ensure stock-flow consistency and facilitates basic economic data structures (such as the balance sheet).

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Getting Started

Quick start:

pip install sfctools

You can cite the software as follows:

Baldauf, T., (2023). sfctools - A toolbox for stock-flow consistent, agent-based models. Journal of Open Source Software, 8(87), 4980, https://doi.org/10.21105/joss.04980

You can cite the software repository as follows:

Thomas Baldauf. (2023). sfctools - A toolbox for stock-flow consistent, agent-based models ( Zenodo. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.8118870

GitLab Software repository: click https://gitlab.com/dlr-ve/esy/sfctools/framework
